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CJC: Our journal has an Impact Factor of 4.111 now, a big jump in History

We are pleased to announce that the 2016 Impact Factor (IF) of Chinese Journal of Cancer (CJC) is 4.111 according to the Journal Citation Reports released by the Clarivate Analytics on June 14, 2017.

A Big Jump

USCACA Participate in the Up-coming 20 CSCO Annual Meeting in Xiamen

USCACA will participate in the upcoming 20th Annual Meeting of Chinese Society of Clinical Oncology (CSCO) ( with a theme of "Together we innovate on our inheritance", to be held on Sept. 26-30, 2017 at Xiamen International Conference and Exhibition Center, Xiamen, Fujian, China. USCACA-CSCO will have a session entitled "Translating Science into Medicine – Early Phase Cancer Drug Development of Immuno-­‐oncology Combinations and Novel Targeted Agents” to be chaired by Helen Chen and Li Yan.

USCACA-CSCO Joint Session

Congratulations to the newly elected President Shi-Yuan Cheng at the ACACR Inaugural Meeting, April 2, 2017, Washington DC

Shiyuan Cheng, Professor at Feinberg School of Medicine of Northwestern University was elected as the new President of the newly formed Association for Chinese Americans in Cancer Research (ACACR) at the Inaugural Meeting, April 2, 2017 (also a joint meeting of USCACA and ACACR) at the 2017 AACR Annual meeting in Washington DC. Shi-Yuan was also the past President of USCACA (2013-2016), and his outstanding service for USCACA was recognized by an outstanding service plate presented by his successor, Qingyi Wei, the new President of USCACA.

USCACA Welcomes Its New President - Qingyi Wei

Qingyi Wei, Professor at Duke University School of Medicine was elected to be the new president of USCACA at the joint meeting of USCACA and ACACR at the 2017 AACR Annual meeting in Washington DC.

魏庆义,男,1983年获南京医科大学医学学士学位,1987年获中国预防医学科学院环境毒理学硕士学位,1992年5月获美国霍普金斯大学公共卫生学院博士学位。先后为美国M.D.Anderson癌症中心助理教授、副教授和终身教授以及冠名教授,杜克大学医学院医学系教授和美国NIH多个基金评审组成员、国际多个分子流行病学和医学杂志的主编(Cancer Medicine)、副主编 (International Journal of Molecular Epidemiology and Genetics)和编委,为20余种专业杂志的审稿人以及英国、德国、意大利、以色列、香港等国家和地区国家级科研基金评审人。


在刚刚闭幕的IASLC WCLC 2016上,靶向药物无疑再次捍卫了其在晚期非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)治疗领域的“明星”地位。新型靶点的探索,传统药物新治疗领域的拓展,液体检测在靶向药物疗效预测中的价值等研究,纷纷登录主席专场、口头报告、壁报等各种展示环节。

12月7日,在“靶向治疗新策略”口头报告环节发布的一项“突变选择性EGFR抑制剂AC0010(艾维替尼)在EGRF T790M非小细胞肺癌患者中的I、II期研究”,因其使用中国首个原创三代EGFR-TKI药物而备受关注。

第五届广州国际肿瘤学会议开幕: 关注学科发展前沿,加强国内外学术交流

本报讯 12月1日,由广东省抗癌协会、中国抗癌协会肿瘤靶向治疗专业委员会、美中抗癌协会、中山大学肿瘤防治中心、《癌症》杂志共同主办的“第五届广州国际肿瘤学会议暨第一届中国抗癌协会肿瘤靶向治疗专业委员会年会”在绿意盎然的羊城广州召开。


Application Guidelines Asian Fund for Cancer Research

Application Guidelines Asian Fund for Cancer Research

Funding Period: April 1, 2017 – March 31, 2019 October, 2016

浙江省肿瘤防治联盟成立 美尊医询升级中美医疗沟通效率




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