Event and Activity

The USCACA and AFCR are pleased to invite nominations for the USCACA-AFCR2024 Scholar Awards.

U.S.Chinese Anti-Cancer Association(USCACA美中抗癌协会)Asia Fund for Cancer Research(AFCR,亚州癌症研究基金会)2024 Scholar Awards
The USCACA and AFCR are pleased to invite nominations for the USCACA-AFCR2024 Scholar Awards.

Pre-ASCO中国峰会第一期 | COVID-19 疫情期间的肿瘤临床试验

美中抗癌协会(USCACA)和世易医健(eChinaHealth)合作于5月8日美东晚上21点( 5月9日北京上午9点) 举办线上Pre-ASCO中国临床肿瘤峰会第一期。欢迎扫码报名参加!


Prof. Jilong Yang, the first USCACA – NFCR Scholar (2010) is to speak at AACR conference

Prof. Jilong Yang, the first US Chinese Anti‐Cancer Association (USCACA) – National Foundation for Cancer Research (NFCR) Scholar (2010) is to speak at AACR conference “New Horizons in Cancer Research”, Nov 2-5, Shanghai, China. Please also see Yang’s new book – “The Knowledge of Sarcoma – 认识肉瘤”

USCACA executive member, Dr. Lifang Hou, Appointed to ‘Moonshot’ Cancer Initiative Panel

Lifang Hou, MD, PhD, chief of Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention in the Department of Preventive Medicine, has been named a member of the Blue Ribbon Panel, a working group of the National Cancer Advisory Board (NCAB) that advises the National Cancer Institute. The panel will help inform the scientific direction of Vice President Joe Biden’s National Cancer Moonshot Initiative to accelerate cancer research.

Cancer Moonshot Blue Ribbon Panel Report Released

The Blue Ribbon Panel presented its report to the National Cancer Advisory Board on September 7, 2016. The report describes 10 transformative research recommendations for achieving the Cancer Moonshot's ambitious goal of making a decade's worth of progress in cancer prevention, diagnosis, and treatment in just 5 years.


2016年6月3日~7日,一年一度的美国临床肿瘤学会年会(ASCO2016)在芝加哥召开。CSCO理事长、广东省人民医院吴一龙教授作为主要研究者的三项临床试验在ASCO年会上公布结果。同时,在ASCO会议召开首日,众多中美专家齐聚第8届美中抗癌协会(USCACA)年会,交流抗癌新进展。吴一龙教授在USCACA年会中分享了我国自主研发的第三代EGFR TKI新药艾维替尼(AC0010)在中国开展的I期临床试验的情况会后,医脉通有幸邀请到吴一龙教授接受采访。


【中美乳腺癌高峰论坛】Norman Wolmark 教授带你回顾(NSABP)50年历程

由 USCACA美中抗癌协会(U.S. Chinese Anti-cancer Association)和广东省女医师协会乳腺癌专业委员会主办,广东省人民医院,广东省医学科学院协办的中美乳腺癌高峰论坛于6月17-18日在广州成功举办,【肿瘤资讯】奔赴现场,有幸采访到了Norman Wolmark 教授,与大家分享美国乳腺与肠道外科辅助治疗研究组(NSABP)的50年精彩回顾和NSABP乳腺癌领域临床试验未来的发展方向。
