USCACA Board Member Elected President of Chinese Society of Oncology

        The 8th annual conference of Chinese Society of Oncology Standing Committee of Chinese Medical Association was held on Dec 24th 2010 in Beijing.  The general election of Chinese Society of oncology was carried out according to the bylaws of Chinese Medical Association.  Jin Gu, M.D., professor of colorectal surgery at Peking University Cancer Hospital was elected President of Chinese Society of Oncology. Professor Xishan Hao of Tianjin Cancer Hospital became the Past-President.  Both Drs. Gu and Hao have been founding members of USCACA Board of Directors. Dr. Fan Jia, professor at the Liver Cancer Institution of Sun Yat-sen University became the President-elect.
        Chinese Society of Oncology is affiliated with Chinese Medical Association, the largest medical professional association. Chinese Society of Oncology represents the broad medical professionals in cancer prevention, treatment and research in China.
