USCACA Early-Phase Oncology Research Training(EFFORT) Program
USCACA Early-Phase Oncology Research Training (EFFORT) Program
Provide training opportunity for junior Chinese clinical investtgators/scienttsts in oncology translattonal research & early phase drug development and connect China to global oncology drug development.
Scope of Program
1. 1–2 qualiffed candidates per year from academic research centers or hospitals
2. At least 3 months training programs at 1-2 phase 1 cancer centers in the United States.
3. Training expenses shared between candidates’ home instttute and USCACA EFFORT Program.
4. USCACA may assist designing the training program in collaboratton with home instttutton.
Candidate Selectton Criteria
1. Junior physician or clinical researcher supported by home instttute or hospital with strong interest in oncology early clinical development and translattonal research
2. Willing to comply with USCACA guidance on training program
3. Willing to share training experience at conferences or workshops at request and approval by USCACA
Financial Support Criteria
• Short Term Training (3-6 months): $800-1,000/month and no more than $5K in total per person.
• Mid/Long Term Training (>6 months): $500-600/month and no more than $10K in total per person
How to Apply
• Contact USCACA at and for applicatton and questton
• The following materials must be submitted:
o A brief personal statement of your background and experience in clinical oncology trials, mottvatton, and objecttve for early development training
o Current curriculum vitae (CV)
o The letter of support from the head of department and/or hospital
• 2 waves submission before June end or Dec end
Governance Committee Members
•Roger Luo, Pascal Qian, Xiaoxiang Chen, Li Xu, Li Yan USCACA
•Rui-Hua Xu, Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center, China, President of CSCO
•Yi-Long Wu, Guangzhou General Hospital, China; Past President of CSCO
•Shu-Kui Qin, Past President of Chinese Society Clinical Oncology (CSCO)
•Cai-Cun Zhou, Shanghai Dongfang Hospital, Tongji University School of Medicine, China
•Lin Shen, Beijing Cancer Hospital, China
•Ying Cheng, Jilin Cancer Hospital