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Dr. Zhen-Quan Xu Young Chinese Oncologist Training Fund

Dr. Zhen-Quan Xu Young Chinese Oncologist Training Fund is established by the children of the late Dr. Zhen-Quan Xu in 2017 in memory of their father, a highly respected Gastroenterologist and a Professor of Internal Medicine at the Shandong Medical University, Shandong, China.



美中抗癌协会会长美国杜克大学医学院终身教授Qingyi Wei与国家环境与人类健康国际联合研究中心沈洪兵主任为大会联合主席。美中抗癌协会董事会主席Wei Zhang和执行委员会成员Wei Zhou, Shi-Yong Sun, Jinsong Liu出席会议并做相关主题演讲.


The AACR is pleased to announce a new partnership with the Chinese Society for Clinical Oncology (CSCO) offering 10 travel awards to AACR members attending the 2018 Annual Meeting to attend and present their work at the CSCO 21st Annual Meeting, to be held from September 19-23, 2018, in Xiamen China. The goal of the travel award is to promote international scientific exchange. The award includes complimentary registration, up to 4 nights’ accomodation, and up to US$1,000 towards the cost of travel expenses.




本次大会主会场由主持人钱朝南副院长宣布大会开始,并由徐瑞华院长致开幕词。美中抗癌协会会长Qingyi Wei教授代表美中抗癌协会致辞,他讲到,本次大会的主办单位充分把握国内外学术发展前沿,为加强国内外肿瘤学术交流搭建了非常好的平台。美中抗癌协会作为中美学术届和企业届的桥梁,预祝大会取得圆满成功。余敏斌副书记代表中山大学祝贺大会顺利举行,对参会的国内外同行嘉宾表示欢迎。随后,大会秘书长曾木圣教授主持颁奖仪式。美中抗癌协会这次推选了6名杰出的青年科学家,获得USCACA-AFCR 优秀青年学者奖。


USCACA & AFCR 2017及历届USCACA, AFCR, and NFCR 优秀青年学者奖获奖名单

USCACA 美中抗癌协会 & AFCR 亚州癌症研究基金会 2017及历届USCACA, AFCR, and NFCR (National Foundation for Cancer Research) 美国国家癌症研究基金会优秀青年学者奖获奖名单

2017第20届中国临床肿瘤协会年会 USCACA-CSCO联合专场:国际新药研究中国化 中国新药研究国际化

第20届中国临床肿瘤协会年会在厦门召开,在本次大会上,由美中抗癌协会、中国临床肿瘤协会新药研发及安全性评估专业委员会主办的USCACA-CSCO联合专场,于大会的第二天,2017年9月28日下午,在厦门国际会展中心成功举行。本次联合专场的主题是:TranslatingScience into Medicine - Cancer Drug Development of Immuno-oncology Combinationand Novel Targeted Agents。一如往年的火爆场面,能容纳200多位听众的会场,座无虚席,不少听众在会议开始前1个多小时,就早早地占据了最好的座位,晚来的很多听众,只能在会场后面站着听。


CJC: Our journal has an Impact Factor of 4.111 now, a big jump in History

We are pleased to announce that the 2016 Impact Factor (IF) of Chinese Journal of Cancer (CJC) is 4.111 according to the Journal Citation Reports released by the Clarivate Analytics on June 14, 2017.

A Big Jump

USCACA Participate in the Up-coming 20 CSCO Annual Meeting in Xiamen

USCACA will participate in the upcoming 20th Annual Meeting of Chinese Society of Clinical Oncology (CSCO) ( with a theme of "Together we innovate on our inheritance", to be held on Sept. 26-30, 2017 at Xiamen International Conference and Exhibition Center, Xiamen, Fujian, China. USCACA-CSCO will have a session entitled "Translating Science into Medicine – Early Phase Cancer Drug Development of Immuno-­‐oncology Combinations and Novel Targeted Agents” to be chaired by Helen Chen and Li Yan.

USCACA-CSCO Joint Session

Congratulations to the newly elected President Shi-Yuan Cheng at the ACACR Inaugural Meeting, April 2, 2017, Washington DC

Shiyuan Cheng, Professor at Feinberg School of Medicine of Northwestern University was elected as the new President of the newly formed Association for Chinese Americans in Cancer Research (ACACR) at the Inaugural Meeting, April 2, 2017 (also a joint meeting of USCACA and ACACR) at the 2017 AACR Annual meeting in Washington DC. Shi-Yuan was also the past President of USCACA (2013-2016), and his outstanding service for USCACA was recognized by an outstanding service plate presented by his successor, Qingyi Wei, the new President of USCACA.

USCACA Welcomes Its New President - Qingyi Wei

Qingyi Wei, Professor at Duke University School of Medicine was elected to be the new president of USCACA at the joint meeting of USCACA and ACACR at the 2017 AACR Annual meeting in Washington DC.

魏庆义,男,1983年获南京医科大学医学学士学位,1987年获中国预防医学科学院环境毒理学硕士学位,1992年5月获美国霍普金斯大学公共卫生学院博士学位。先后为美国M.D.Anderson癌症中心助理教授、副教授和终身教授以及冠名教授,杜克大学医学院医学系教授和美国NIH多个基金评审组成员、国际多个分子流行病学和医学杂志的主编(Cancer Medicine)、副主编 (International Journal of Molecular Epidemiology and Genetics)和编委,为20余种专业杂志的审稿人以及英国、德国、意大利、以色列、香港等国家和地区国家级科研基金评审人。
